all postcodes in M30 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M30 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M30 7AA 26 0 53.479589 -2.358517
M30 7AB 28 0 53.478072 -2.357525
M30 7AD 16 1 53.477914 -2.356349
M30 7AE 30 4 53.475843 -2.354794
M30 7AF 58 0 53.477072 -2.355317
M30 7AH 32 0 53.477598 -2.356858
M30 7AJ 21 0 53.474969 -2.355224
M30 7AN 24 0 53.475758 -2.356074
M30 7AP 28 0 53.476377 -2.356547
M30 7AQ 19 0 53.475933 -2.357582
M30 7AR 28 0 53.477058 -2.357125
M30 7AS 56 0 53.476315 -2.359243
M30 7AT 37 0 53.475605 -2.359192
M30 7AU 12 0 53.476634 -2.359967
M30 7AW 6 0 53.47639 -2.357464
M30 7AX 35 0 53.475441 -2.359688
M30 7AY 46 0 53.474252 -2.357794
M30 7AZ 6 0 53.474371 -2.36007
M30 7BA 33 0 53.474643 -2.362076
M30 7BB 4 0 53.47532 -2.363678